Introduction to Katyayani Maa:

The sixth day of Navratri is dedicated to the ferocious warrior avatar of Goddess Durga, known as Maa Katyayani. Mahishasurmardini, who rides a lion and holds a lotus flower and multiple weapons including a sword and Lord Shiva’s trident is worshipped on Shashthi (the 6th day of Navratri).

Who is Maa Katyayani?

Maa Katyayani appears as a four-armed goddess, with a sword in one arm and a flower in the other, symbolizing her love for her devotees. The third arm is in Abhaya Mudra, which gives devotees the ability to be free from fear. The fourth arm is raised in the to bestow the boon of devotion to the devotees.

The Mystique of Katyayani Temple in Vrindavan:

The Katyayni Temple in Vrindavan holds significance as one of the most famous 52 Shakti Peeths of India. Legend from the Shiva Mahapuran narrates that it is here at the Katyayni Peeth where a lock of Goddess Sati’s hair descended following the tragic incident of her self-immolation during the solemn fire ritual at her father Daksha’s abode. People believe praying to Goddess Katyayani here can bring peace and blessings.

But there’s more to this temple. People also believe that girls who want good husbands can pray here. This tradition started long ago when girls in Braj wished for Lord Krishna as their husband. They prayed to Goddess Katyayani, and since then, many girls continue this tradition, hoping for love and happiness.

image Navratri Day 6: Interesting Facts about the Goddess - Katyayani Maa
Katyayani Shakti Peeth Mandir, Vrindavan

Today, the Katyayani Temple is a peaceful place where people come to find comfort and strength. With its ancient stories and timeless traditions, it offers a sense of hope and connection to something greater, welcoming all who seek peace and blessings.

Mantra of Katyayani :

Mother’s influence is felt at the Agya chakra of Kundalini. Those who find themselves facing obstacles in their marriage, Mother Katyayani assists them in removing them.

‘चंद्र हासोज्ज वलकरा शार्दूलवर वाहना। कात्यायनी शुभंदद्या देवी दानव घातिनी॥‘ 

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मां कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:॥ The Goddess should be worshiped on the sixth day of Navratri after meditating with this mantra. A betel paan containing honey should be offered to Katyayani by those who worship and profess devotion to her.

The Story about Katyayani :

In the Devi Bhagavata Purana, it is mentioned that Rishi Katyayan was a great devotee of Mother Adishakti. He wished for the goddess to be born in his household in the form of his daughter. For this, Sage Katyayana did severe penance for years. His tenacity pleased the goddess, who appeared in the form of his daughter. It was her father (Rishi Katyayan) who worshiped her for the first time as Katyayani. Soon after accepting the worship of the sage for three days, she left and took on Mahishasura in battle, defeating him and putting an end to him. Therefore, she is also referred to as the Mahishasur Mardani.

Why is Katyayani worshipped?

The planet Brihaspati (Jupiter) is believed to be governed by the goddess Katyayani. If one remembers Maa sincerely all the diseases, grief, anguish, fear, etc. will be completely eradicated. If one wishes to eliminate the sins of birth after birth, one should worship Katyayani Maa in order to take refuge in her.

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